Theywalkedthrough thespacebetweencarsandmotorcycleswhostoppedat the trafficlight. Theysell snacks,colddrinks,cigarettes,newspapersandother interesting stuff. They are part of Jakarta people, who are struggling to survive, seeking God's fortune with smile..
Lebaran holidays last year, I had a great time seeing my old friends in my hometown. We went to the beach, take some photos with my film cameras. Great day!
and this is me.. :D
Thanks to my friends Boby, Awan and Ami.. Hope to see you again here next year!
A pre-wedding session with my fellow analog photographer, Inut before marrying his wife Nia, last year. Great news! Nia is now pregnant and expecting a baby 3 months from now..
Are you planning your wedding soon? We can help you capturing your beautiful moments.. :)